So many Integrations, such little time

When I started working in OnePageCRM I was amazed by the seemly endless number of applications we and our customers dealt with. A lot of the time, I mixed them up and wondered why there were so many similar applications. I have only recently understood why this is, from an unlikely source.

Since I have a background in Mechanical/Energy Engineering, I knew I would need more than just trial and error experience, if I am ever to truly understand and succeeded in my role as a web developer. So as any good Engineer does…. I bought a book. It even had Engineering in the title !! Engineering Software as a Service

The first and most striking insight this book has given me to date is about the architecture of modern SaaS applications. It is hugely important to design everything to be independent modules. I’m sure an experienced SaaS developer takes this for granted, or perhaps can’t even remember thinking any differently! -Given all the inherent advantages of Software Oriented Architecture over more traditional siloed approach.

Silo as a metaphor for SaaS (Source

What is more interesting though is that this insight into Software Oriented Architecture has lead me to better understand why so many applications exist and why they all matter from a business perspective. (The unlikely source)

As a developer it is important to understand that each customer often has their own unique requirements. The person who uses your web service will not only use your application but use it along with many others. Each service for a narrow and ever more specific function, within their business.

The reason so many applications exist is because they’re are just so many diverse business models in modern society. Each app is important to fulfill its specific role.

This question had been bouncing around in my head since I started here at OnePageCRM. It was only when we launched our new add apps page that it all clicked.

Integrations available in 2014

This clear simple layout shows where each integration slots into the sales process.

What is all boils down to is the better our application gels with others the better the user experience. That’s what were all about here at OnePageCRM.

I am currently developing an integration with Twitter. See if you can guess which section it is classified under on our new Integration’s page

For me it is really exciting to know that when this integration goes live, it will make many peoples day to day lives that little bit easier. This is why I work in a SMB.

Since we have already filled our new office with developers you can see why we have set such an ambitious goal for ourselves ! 10 integrations in 10 weeks

I now understand why so many applications exist and also it spurs me on to get to work on the integration I’ve been tasked with !

This excitement is exactly why I chose to work in a growing SMB

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Dan Fahy

Dan is a software engineer at OnePageCRM.